Welcome to the Fast Link of the
Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission

According to section 23(2) of Act 700, complaints can be channelled in writing through e-Complaint or email or letter or over the counter at the EAIC Complaint Counter and Customer Service Centre. 


Receipt and Registration of Complaints

Every complaint received will be registered and go through a preliminary assessment process to determine the classification of the complaints of misconduct received.

Complaints Committee Meeting

The Complaints Committee (JKA) will examine, consider and recommend the appropriate action on complaints in its Complaints Committee Meeting. The JKA may come to the following recommendations:

  1. the complaint is to be referred to the Disciplinary Authority of the relevant enforcement agency [subsection 26(1) of Act 700];
  2. the complaint is to be referred to MACC [subsection 26(2) of Act 700];
  3. a full investigation is to be conducted on the complaint [subsection 26(3) of Act 700]; or
  4. no further investigation is required on the complaint [subsection 26(4) of Act 700].

Preliminary Investigation

JKA may also instruct a preliminary investigation to be carried out on any complaint to obtain more information related to the complaint to determine the classification of the complaints of misconduct received


Full Investigation

For complaints that are determined to be fully investigated [subsection 27(4) of Act 700], the investigation can be carried out by using the following methods:

  1. obtaining explanations / answers / justifications / information / documents from the party being investigated, either through letters, emails, phone calls or on-site investigations;
  2. obtaining evidence from the EAIC Complainant, complainee or relevant witnesses;
  3. visiting any places or premises that are being complained of to verify the EAIC Complainant's complaint; or
  4. carrying out any actions deemed appropriate and necessary to complete the investigation.

Meetings of the Commission

A report on JKA's recommendations shall be prepared and presented in the Meetings of the Commission for consideration and decision-making. The Meetings of the Commission may come to the following decisions:

  1. the complaint is to be referred to the Disciplinary Authority of the relevant enforcement agency [subsection 27(1) of Act 700];
  2. the complaint is to be referred to MACC [subsection 27(2) of Act 700];
  3. full investigation to be conducted on the complaint [subsection 27(4) of Act 700]; or
  4. no further investigation is required on the complaint [subsection 27(5) of Act 700].

For complaints that are fully investigated, a report on the findings and recommendations shall be prepared and presented in the Meetings of the Commission for consideration and decision-making. The Meetings of the Commission may come to the following decisions:

  1. the misconduct is not substantiated [paragraph 30(1)(a) of Act 700];
  2. recommend disciplinary punishment and refer the matter to the relevant Disciplinary Authority for its action [paragraph 30(1)(b) of Act 700]; or
  3. recommendation to be referred to the Public Prosecutor for misconduct that constitutes a criminal offence [paragraph 30(1)(c) of Act 700].