Welcome to the Fast Link of the
Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission

Since Act 700 came into force, EAIC has been performing its functions and roles as stipulated in subsection 4(1) of Act 700 as follows:

No. Functions
(a) to receive complaints of misconduct from the public against an enforcement officer or against an enforcement agency in general and to investigate into and conduct hearings on such complaints;
(b) to formulate and put in place mechanisms for the detection, investigation and prevention of misconduct by an enforcement officer;
(c) to protect the interest of the public by preventing and dealing with misconduct of an enforcement officer;
(d) to provide for the auditing and monitoring of particular aspects of the operations and procedures of an enforcement agency;
(e) to promote awareness of, enhancement of, and education in relation to, integrity within an enforcement agency and to reduce misconduct amongst enforcement officers;
(f) to assist the Government in formulating legislation, or to recommend administrative measures to the Government or an enforcement agency, in the promotion of integrity and the abolishment of misconduct amongst enforcement officers;
(g) to study and verify any infringement of enforcement procedures and to make any necessary recommendations relating thereto; and
(h) to make site visits to the premises of an enforcement agency, including visiting police stations and lockups in accordance with the procedures under any written law, and make any necessary recommendations relating thereto.

According to subsection 1(3) of the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission Act 2009 [Act 700], this Act is applicable to complaints submitted or referred to EAIC regarding MISCONDUCT THAT OCCURRED ON OR AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT DATE OF THIS ACT, THAT IS, 1 APRIL 2011.

According to subsection 1(4) of Act 700, this Act shall apply to the 21 enforcement agencies as set out in the Schedule of Act 700.

The jurisdiction of EAIC in carrying out its functions is as stipulated in Act 700, which among others, includes the following:

No. Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission Act 2009 [Act 700]
(a) receiving and investigating any complaints of misconduct from the public [section 22 of Act 700];
(b) referring any complaints of a disciplinary nature to the relevant Disciplinary Authority or of a criminal nature to the Public Prosecutor [section 22 of Act 700];
(c) conducting preliminary investigations to determine the classification of the received complaints of misconduct [section 25 of Act 700];
(d) carrying out full investigations on valid complaints of misconduct to verify the existence of such misconduct [sections 31 and 32 of Act 700];
(e) establishing Task Forces for the purpose of investigating and assisting the Commission in carrying out its other functions [section 17 of Act 700];
(f) commencing investigations on its own initiative for any misconduct by enforcement officers or enforcement agencies that is of significant importance to the public or in the public interest [section 28 of Act 700];
(g) holding open or closed public hearings to the public for issues deemed necessary or expedient by the Commission [sections 34 and 35 of Act 700]; and
(h) taking action against any party that refuses to cooperate with the investigation conducted by the Commission [sections 31, 32 and 33 of Act 700].