The functions of EAIC, as stipulated in section 4 of the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission Act 2009 [Act 700], are carried out by the following Divisions and Units:
- Operation Division;
- Legal Division;
- Policy Division;
- Corporate Communications Division;
- Management Services Division; and
- Integrity Unit.
Operation Division
The functions of the Operation Division are as stipulated in paragraphs 4(1)(a), (b), (c), (f), (g) and (h) of Act 700, as follows:
No Functions (a) to receive complaints of misconduct from the public against an enforcement officer or against an enforcement agency in general and to investigate into and conduct hearings on such complaints; (b) to formulate and put in place mechanisms for the detection, investigation and prevention of misconduct by an enforcement officer; (c) to protect the interest of the public by preventing and dealing with misconduct of an enforcement officer; (f) to assist the Government in formulating legislation, or to recommend administrative measures to the Government or an enforcement agency, in the promotion of integrity and the abolishment of misconduct amongst enforcement officers; (g) to study and verify any infringement of enforcement procedures and to make any necessary recommendations relating thereto; and (h) to make site visits to the premises of an enforcement agency, including visiting police stations and lockups in accordance with the procedures under any written law, and make any necessary recommendations relating thereto. -
Legal Division
The functions of the Legal Division are as stipulated in paragraph 4(1)(f) of Act 700, which are to assist the Government in formulating legislation or recommend administrative measures to the Government or any enforcement agencies in order to promote integrity and eliminate misconduct among enforcement officers.
The functions of the Legal Division involve—
No Functions (a) providing legal advice to the Commission and representing the Commission in court proceedings, if any; (b) proposing the drafting and amendment of laws, if necessary; (c) reviewing every legislative document that affects the Commission; (d) assisting the Commission in hearings as stipulated in subsection 34(4) of Act 700; and (e) coordinating matters related to the Parliament. -
Policy and Strategic Plan Division
The functions of the Policy and Strategic Plan Division are as stipulated in paragraphs 4(1)(d), (f), (g) and (h) of Act 700, namely:
No Functions (d)
to provide for the auditing and monitoring of particular aspects of the operations and procedures of an enforcement agency; (f) to assist the Government in formulating legislation, or to recommend administrative measures to the Government or an enforcement agency, in the promotion of integrity and the abolishment of misconduct amongst enforcement officers; (g) to study and verify any infringement of enforcement procedures and to make any necessary recommendations relating thereto; and (h) to make site visits to the premises of an enforcement agency, including visiting police stations and lockups in accordance with the procedures under any written law, and make any necessary recommendations relating thereto. The functions of the Policy and Strategic Plan Division involve—
No Functions (a) acting as the secretariat for the Meetings of the Commission / Coordination Meeting; (b) preparing the Annual Report and Financial Statements of the Commission; (c) coordinating visits, courtesy calls and engagement sessions between the Commission and enforcement agencies under its supervision; (d) coordinating and monitoring the preparation of the Commission's Key Performance Indicator (KPI) report; (e) coordinating, monitoring and providing data on the Commission's achievement pertaining to the Client Charter; (f) coordinating, managing and overseeing the preparation of Statutory Body Performance Reports (SBsys and MyResults (OBB)) for circulars of statutory bodies and ministries; (g) planning, reviewing and monitoring the preparation of the Commission's Strategic Plan; and (h) managing courses / workshops / briefings / internal and external consultation sessions. -
Management Services Division
The functions of the Management Services Division are to provide support services to support the Commission’s service delivery system as follows:
No Functions (a) managing affairs relating to the service of the Commission’s officials, including matters of appointment, placement, appointment verification, loan, transfer, promotion and retirement; (b) planning, developing and coordinating matters of the Commission’s organizational development, staffing reinforcement and organization restructuring; (c) implementing the development of human capital and strengthening the competence of the Commission’s officials; (d) planning and managing grant allocation, procurement, payment and maintenance of the Commission's accounts in an orderly, efficient and effective manner in accordance with the financial rules that have been established; (e) providing services on general administrative affairs, asset and store management, security, building maintenance and logistics; and (f) planning and managing information and communication technology (ICT) strategic planning, infrastructure development and system development, as well as providing ICT facilities to the Commission. -
Integrity Unit
The Integrity Unit is required to carry out six (6) core functions in accordance with Service Circular Number 6 / 2013 as follows:
No Functions (a) Governance
ensuring effective implementation of governance;(b) Integrity Enhancement
ensuring accultaration, institutionalisation and implementation of integrity within the organization;(c) Detection and Verification - detecting and verifying complaints of criminal misconduct and violations of the code of conduct and organizational ethics, and ensuring actions are taken against those complaints; and
- reporting criminal misconduct to the relevant law enforcement agencies;
(d) Complaint Management
receiving and taking action against all complaints / information of criminal and ethical misconduct in the organization;(e) Compliance
ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations; and(f) Discipline
taking up the role as the secretariat to the Disciplinary Board. -
Corporate Communications Unit
The functions of the Corporate Communications Unit are as stipulated in paragraph 4(1)(e) of Act 700, which are to promote awareness about, improvement of and education in relation to integrity among enforcement agencies and reducing misconduct among enforcement officers.
The functions of the Corporate Communications Unit involve—
No Functions (a) monitoring and tracking emerging issues related to the Commission and issues of misconduct by enforcement officers and regulatory enforcement agencies reported in mass media and social media; (b) planning and managing the Commission's communication and publicity plans, including the preparation of media invitations, media statements, media coverage and media interviews; (c) managing the Commission's social media and website, including announcements and sharing of the Commission's latest activities; (d) coordinating the Commission’s corporate information and managing the publication of promotional and publicity materials; (e) managing the Commission’s corporate branding to enhance its image; and (f) coordinating and providing advisory services, including advice related to protocol matters for the Commission’s official events.