Bill against hidden charges passed

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 2 — Parliament has passed a Bill requiring businesses to present all prices, fees and taxes upfront to consumers.

The Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Amendment) Bill 2017 is meant to prevent businesses from including additional items, often called “hidden charges”, to inflate the final bill.

Businesses may also apply to incorporate all charges into a single price item.

The proposed law also empowers the government to instruct businesses to provide documentation related to their pricing, fees, and taxes for analysis.

Companies that do not comply may be fined a maximum of RM10,000 for first offence, and up to RM250,000 for subsequent offences.

The fine is up to RM50,000 for first time individual offenders, with a maximum fine of RM100,000 for second and subsequent offences, and/or five years imprisonment.

Source :  themalaymailonline

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